
Products & Services
Acids for Fracturing
 Self-Generating Acid


 1. System Characterizations 

Traditionally, the reaction rate between acid and carbonate formation is quite high after the acid fluid enters the formation so effective acid penetration to the deep formation through fractures cannot be guaranteed. As a result the stimulation effectiveness will be dramatically low, especially in the far region. The reaction raw materials of self-generating acid will form HCL in deep part of the formation so that the stimulation can play its effective role in the regions far away from the wellbore and the acidizing effectiveness can be dramatically improved 

2. Property Indices 



Slow rate%


Friction reducing ratio, %


Acid content (HCL), %



 3. Application for Treatment


Add the thickener into pure water to make the thickened water, and deliver reaction war materials of self-generating acid in blending unit; inject the fluid compound after blending and the raw materials will form acid in the formation under the certain reservoir temperature condition.

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